Wed 08 Jan
Last Night Best N town!!! White/Spanish Doll Best Choice Yet!!!! 100$ Specials - 22
(Tucson, Marana)
___ __ ____ =J_U_S_T= __ _ __ =W_H_A_T= __ _ __ =Y_O_U= __ _ __ =C_R_A_V_E= ___ __ _ - 23
(Ina Road)
💋🕉Kasi🕉💋 BLONDE BOMBSHELL💣🔥💣💯%real photo's⚘🕉⚘and 💋 skills you'll die for!!🕉💣🕉 - 23
(South/East Tucson🕉Incall & Outcall, Tucson)
(Tucson, Private Dicreet Location Incall)
[F]●[R]●[E]●[E] ---new--- [F]●[R]●[E]●[E] ---pix--- [F]●[R]●[E]●[E] ---new--- [F]●[R]●[E]●[E] ---pix - 30
(Tucson, north freeway&i10; ♥ speedway♥in/out)
💋🍑 Fulfill your Fantasy 😍😘 You know you want to 😏👭 Stop Cheating Yourself 😉😙 - 22
(Downtown incall only, Tucson)
G__E__T__ ~__I__N __~__ O__N__~__T __H__E__~ __A__C__T__I __O__N__~ __N__O__W__~ __B__A__B__Y__~ - - 23
Gorgeous Body Nice Curves BeautifulFace 💋 Available Now Come See this MASTERPIECE😍 - 22
(east, Tucson)
Going on vacation I will b gone 4 10days come c me b4 I leave 2marrow 520 339 0894 - 33
~~~~ Don't Miss Out ! ~~~ Girl Next Door ~~~ All Natural Blonde ~~~~ - 25
(Tucson, Upscale UofA Incall & Outcall Available)
✔___ EXCLUSIVE ✔____ HoT ✔____ SWeeT ✔____ MOdeL✔ - 22
(Tucson, Tucson Incall / Surr Cities Outcall)
Charming and fun sweetheart. Let's enjoy the new year together! :) - 26
(Tucson, Tucson Central-East)
Alexia Dior athletic curves tiny waist apple bottom let me ***squeeze*** you in;) - 28
☎ 725-666-9360 ☎ S U P E R ,__ H O T __ B R U N E T T E ☎ Available Now ☎ - 24
(Central Tucson Incall, Tucson)
80 Special!! 💕✷aℳaZinG 💋PERFECT♡👄PIECE ♡OF👅💜ASS ➋ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd💝🌹 - 23
(Tucson, Tucson Incall or Outcall)
♥-:¦: U=*L=*T=*R=*A _ H=*O=*T :¦:-♥ !!___ B l O N D E ___!! ASK ABOUT 2 GiRL!!! - 21
(in/outcalls airport.area)
(°SeX xXy °.-:¦:-° (( ELITE )) °..-:¦:-[ &] X x X RATED FuN.° )) NEW BL☼NDE H☼TTIE - 21
✲ Midday Specials ___ All You Can E☆t Latina ____ Very Addictive ✲ - 20
(Horn3y N St.louis Airport Area)
lovable Freaky , classy, and wild all u need satisfaction guaranteed always late night/early - 25
(St. Louis, //In/outcal downtown/caseyville)
Kinky Fun! Open - Minded! Discreet & Sexy! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, In town, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
incall 💕 Great service at a nice private & safe location 😱 Smoking Hot No disappointment - 21
(Ballwin, St. Louis)
❤ Come See Me ❤ I'm New ❤ Fun Loving Doll ❤ Available All Afternoon And Evening ❤ - 27
(St. Louis, Bridgeton ~ 270/Rock Road)
~*C l a s s y ~*M a t u r e ~*I n d e p e n d e n t ~*I r i s h ~*B e a u t y *F e w D a y s O n l * - 37
(St. Louis, St Louis)
❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ __________ 100% _____ THE _____ R _ E _ A _ L _____ D E A L ! ___________ ❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ - 23
(St. Louis, 10 mins from Airport 💋 (SAFE&DISCREET;))
SEXY SWEETHEART READY TO ROCK YOUR WORLD** Come See Me Now** Not Always Around💋** No Rush Service - 24
(Springfield, Springfield,il)
•.¸* ;*¸. SeXXy INDIAN~ N ~BLK•.¸*•.¸ ____ ____ * *¸ *SeXXy INDIAN~N~Blk!!! ¸.•'´¯)) 786-359-1659 - 21
(Springfield, MY PLACE OR YOURS)
New in Town Juicey upscale Freeky Black Beauty! **Quick Stop Specials! - 21
(Rockford, Rockford I-90)
** NeW gIrL In ToWn .... cOmE aND PLAY wItH Me .... 7797722119 - 26
(South Chicagoland, I55 SOUTH/ BOLINGBROOK/ JOLIET)
♥ o°coming soon ((( ✰ BuStY H0T PLaYMaTe ✰))) coming soon°o ♥ - 29
(Rockford, Visiting Rockford May 1st & 2nd Baby!)
🚘🏡🏢OutCaLL $Pecial$!! All Day/Night Dnt Miss out.. 🚘🏡🏢 - 20
(Rockfod Dekalb and surr areas!!, Rockford)